Rainbow six siege ban reset
Rainbow six siege ban reset

rainbow six siege ban reset rainbow six siege ban reset

We will not be able to fully and properly enjoy the game until people will learn to be responsible and actually learn to be better at the game by trying to play together, not land, get killed, get triggered and leave, because most of the time it’s your fault for hot dropping and getting killed! This would even it out but as i said, it happens far more often that people leave, rather than we not picking up his banner and respawn him or my banner not getting picked up and being respawned. One good thing that Respawn could actually do is apply a penalty to the squad aswell if they don’t pick up the banner while it is still in the circle and there are no squads around in a relative distance. I am aware there are people that also make you wait and don’t pick up your banner to respawn you, but to be frank the LEAVERS far outweigh in numbers, so the penalty should be even harsher in my opinion. I don’t even want to bring up karma to these leavers because they don’t care if someone else leaves them either. The REAL issue is the type of people that play this game, i don’t want to be rude, many of these migrated from Fortnite and i saw what majority of people play that game. The most popular MOBAs have this function implemented aswell and they are doing just fine, i don’t see any problem in punishing instaleavers that don’t even wait to be revived after they’re first downed.

Rainbow six siege ban reset